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Some of our e-learning modules come with accreditation. The type of accreditation you can get will be listed under each course.
Log in to Coloplast® Learning Portal
Access our e-learning catalogue for Professionals within Bladder Management or request access directly with your Coloplast Representative or register online.
Benefits of the Coloplast® Learning Portal
- Build your skills and knowledge within Bladder Management
- Get up to speed on latest insights and clinicial evidence
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Boost your knowledge

The road to acceptance
Getting patients to accept intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC) can be a challenge. In this section, we uncover the most common psychological barriers to ISC and show you how to help patients overcome them.

Building trust in treatment
Positive motivation can be a powerful tool in getting patients to adhere to intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC). This section shows you how to identify and use ‘short-term rewards’ to help patients see the value of ISC.

Making the most out of your training session
Effective intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC) training plays a crucial role in achieving long-term adherence. But the patient’s state of mind can impact the training session.

Get tips on IC training from the expert at the frontline
Sharon Holroyd has worked in urology wards for 20 years, so she knows a thing or two about IC training. In this interview, she shares her extensive experience and gives you the key to effective patient training.

Three things to cover in an IC training session
Get a quick overview of the three key topics you must remember to cover in your IC training session.
Coloplast Talks – shorter videos

Promoting and supporting adherence to treatment
How can you help patients change their behaviour so they become more adherent to treatment?

Involving patients and relatives in ISC training
It is important to involve patients and their relatives in decisions around intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC). Learn why – and how to do it.

UTI risk Factors Model and UTI Definition
Hear a number of experts explain the UTI Risk Factors Model, and get their take on how to define when a UTI really is a UTI, making sure only real UTIs are treated as such.
Coloplast Symposiums – longer videos

Strengthening adherence with a behavioural twist
Join Prof. Krassioukov and Dr. Rune Nørager as they share insights on adherence to IC – from two different perspectives.
Brochures and leaflets

Continence Life Study Review
The Continence Life Study Review focuses on IC adherence. Get the holistic approach to how you can support adherence – from the first time you mention IC to your patient, through your approach to training, to the way you send your patient back into society, now as a catheter user.