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The MENTOR Tool helps assess the efficacy of NBD treatment in three simple steps
The MENTOR Tool consists of the MENTOR questionnaire
and the MENTOR wheel or matrix.

1. Fill out the questionnaire by talking to your patients using the 12 questions and marking down the answers.
2. Plot results of sections 1, 2, and 3 of the questionnaire against the matching steps in the Wheel. As an outcome, you will receive a color code - a MENTOR recommendation.
3. Use the 3-color code to guide your assessment of a specific patient on whether a review of current treatment may be needed or not.

How to use the MENTOR Tool
Watch our short video to see how easy it is to use the MENTOR Tool.
How the MENTOR Tool was developed
Neurogenic bowel dysfunction (NBD) is defined by symptoms of constipation and faecal incontinence that affect up to 80% of patients with spinal cord injury (SCI).1
The NBD score is a tool validated in SCI to evaluate bowel function and correlates with the quality of life but is not designed for clinical decision-making.2
A clinical decision support tool, MENTOR (Monitoring Efficacy of Neurogenic bowel (Treatment On Response), was developed and validated by a team of international academic and clinical experts.1
The tool is based on a questionnaire with three dimensions: objective bowel score measures (the NBD Score), patients’ subjective perception of their bowel function, and special attention symptoms. This allows for a holistic assessment of SCI patients.
The results of the international validation study with a total of 241 participants, showed an overall concordance rate of 79 % between the expert clinicians and the MENTOR tool. Furthermore, the median completion time for the tool was 5 minutes with 97 % of the participants rating it “easy to complete”.1
Read the original creation and validation publication here.
Reference list:
1. Emmanuel, A. et al. Creation, and validation of a new tool for the monitoring efficacy of neurogenic bowel dysfunction
treatment on the response: the MENTOR tool. Spinal Cord (2020). DOI:10.1038/s41393-020-0424-8.
2. Krogh, K., Christensen, P., Sabroe, S. & Laurberg, S. Neurogenic bowel dysfunction score. Spinal Cord 44, 625–631 (2006).